Control Engineering cover story for January/February 2024 is “Synchronized networks = tighter machine controls, precision, lower-costs,” more than 20 automation and control articles, videos, podcasts and 18 topical eBooks.

Learning Objectives
- Find Control Engineering’s January-February digital edition online at; non-subscribers can view or download by registering.
- Explore automation articles on the cover on synchronized networks = tighter machine controls, more is available on advanced process control (APC)/PID control, AI for cybersecurity research, 2023 hot topics, control system reliability, process data analytics, motors and drives efficiency and new products.
- Learn more by downloading any of 18 topical eBooks and other automation and controls multi-media resources.
Control Engineering January-February digital edition insights
- Control Engineering’s January-February digital edition is available online, non-subscribers can view or download by registering.
- In addition to articles highlighted on cover on synchronized networks = tighter machine controls, more is available on advanced process control (APC)/PID control, AI for cybersecurity research, 2023 hot topics, control system reliability, process data analytics, motors and drives efficiency and new products.
- It also links to 18 topical eBooks and other automation and controls multi-media resources.
Visitors to who do not subscribe to Control Engineering still can benefit from seeing the Control Engineering January/February 2024 digital edition, with a cover story on tighter machine controls through synchronized networks, along with more than 20 automation and controls articles, podcasts, videos and 18 automation-related topical eBooks. It’s accessible via
Three-page Control Engineering table of contents: Automation and controls trends, tutorials
In addition to the cover story, the cover links to an advanced process control/proportional-integral-derivative (APC/PID) tutorial, artificial intelligence (AI) for cybersecurity research, 2023 multi-media hot topics, control system reliability, overcoming process data analytic obstacles, motors and drives efficiency and new products.
Insights include: International coverage, career update, market update, AI machine vision tips, show coverage on AI and robotics from A3 Business Forum.
Answers, the article section, includes topics on selecting and installing controllers in three steps, automation controllers without high costs, effective machine guarding and inventory control.
New products in the print/digital edition are included, and extra online products are listed.
Highlights from newsletters and eBooks are shown.
Finally, the online table of contents page links to 12 more online articles and videos, a subset of automation, controls and instrumentation knowledge posted during January at
Cover image, table of contents, 18 eBooks on automation topics
See images of the cover, the three-page table of contents and 18 eBooks that are remade seasonally with fresh automation content.
Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and Technology, [email protected].
Control Engineering, digital edition, January/February 2024
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