Machine & Embedded Control - Machine vision, barcode readers: In-Sight 8405 helps manufacturers reduce cycle times, increase production throughput, and provide a higher resolution; or perform additional applications without increasing cycle times and is suitable for guidance, inspection, gauging and identification. This is a Control Engineering 2016 Engineers’ Choice Awards Winner.
The In-Sight 8405 compresses an entire 5MP stand-alone vision system into an amazingly small package. Its compact size, together with PoE to minimize cabling, and non-linear calibration tool that enables mounting at angles of up to 45 degrees makes the In-Sight 8405 vision system ideal for integrating into tight spaces on robots and hard-to-reach machinery anywhere on the production line. In-Sight 8405 offers vision tools that are optimized to run at high speed. This includes PatMax RedLine pattern matching, filtering (grayscale), advanced defect detection tools, ID tools (1-D, 2-D, and OCR) as well as the foundation tools of blob, edge, histogram, and non-linear calibration. PatMax RedLine was designed with one goal in mind: blazing fast pattern matching. In typical applications, PatMax RedLine runs 4 to 7 times faster than PatMax, or faster, with no loss of search accuracy or robustness. Together with PatMax RedLine, the 8405 can reduce cycle times and increase throughput without compromising inspection accuracy. Like all In-Sight vision systems, for maximum convenience all the In-Sight 8405 comes with In-Sight Explorer software already installed. This software combines simple guided EasyBuilder setup with the power and flexibility of spreadsheet view for greater control of system configuration and handling of vision-application data. A new script function takes advantage of standard JavaScript to simplify construction of complicated formulas, analyze large data sets and ease management of spreadsheet cell execution logic.