There are many innovations available for integrators to choose from as machine and embedded vision technology continues to evolve.
The machine vision industry has changed dramatically over the years. Vision systems and components are constantly evolving into better versions of themselves while competition drives down the prices of advanced vision systems. Today, integrators can choose from a plethora of vision components to build advanced systems for manufacturers.
Even today, the evolution of machine vision technology has not stopped. If anything, it is accelerating. Integrators need to stay ahead of the latest design trends in machine vision and embedded vision.
The rise of smart cameras
Smart cameras are a type of embedded vision technology that incorporates the image capture and processing responsibilities into one system. They are often used for 2-D imaging applications as a low-cost solution for manufacturers that don’t need an advanced vision system.
One of the primary innovation drivers for integrators is it has become difficult to improve smart cameras for simple vision applications. The plug-and-play functionality, combined with the low cost, make smart cameras ideal for many end users. The rise of smart cameras have caused integrators to set their sights elsewhere. This has led them to push the boundaries of what’s possible in vision applications as the need for integration in 2-D applications decreases.
Machine vision and embedded vision design advances
While today’s 3-D vision solutions can handle much of the market’s needs, there are areas that need improvement. For example, 3-D systems require extensive development work, and there’s currently a large gap in the development tool chain.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has a lot of potential, but its current use is limited. Also, deep learning algorithms will be an important innovation in the near future and may allow for entirely new machine vision applications. At the same time, integrators will be working towards better connections between embedded vision systems and cloud computing systems for more detailed data collection.
As machine vision and embedded vision technology advances, integrators are constantly tasked with not only keeping up, but staying ahead of the latest design trends. While the sources mentioned are important, they are far from the only technology developments on the horizon.
This article originally appeared on the AIA website. The AIA is a part of the Association for Advancing Automation (A3), a CFE Media content partner. Edited by Chris Vavra, production editor, CFE Media, [email protected].