ComponentSelector at is billed by its developers as "the first motion-intelligent expert search system to provide ranked results for users needing electric-motor-based products." ComponentSelector allows users to search for the best motor component match in a unique product database.
ComponentSelector at is billed by its developers as “the first motion-intelligent expert search system to provide ranked results for users needing electric-motor-based products.”
ComponentSelector allows users to search for the best motor component match in a unique product database. Results are ranked by percent, showing how close the result is to the initial search specifications. The database and its Web site is the incarnation of Motion Tech Trends (MTT), a consulting firm exclusively focused on the electric motor and motion control industries since 1983.
ComponentSelector, the Web-based expert system, analyzes a growing product database that houses more than 10,000 products from more than 90 companies worldwide. The system lets users search the database for the best component match through a set of 62 motor specifications and figures-of-merit, as well as 23 component characteristics, explains George Gulalo, president of MTT.