If you can explain the application or workings of a process field instrument, write down your thoughts and enter it in our bragging rights instrumentation tutorial competition.
Do you find yourself explaining the finer points of Coriolis flowmeter installation or pressure sensor impulse line configuration to your colleagues? Maybe you wish you could find more useful nuts-and-bolts articles in Control Engineering magazine and online. Here’s your chance to become a published author and gain the bragging rights that go with it.
We’re looking for short articles related to process field instrumentation selection, installation, use, maintenance, and so on. This means flowmeters, pressure sensors, level sensors, temperature devices, and so on. The range of possible topics is very broad, but should not get into discussion of one specific product or devices from a particular manufacturer. Any advice given should apply generically as much as possible.
There is no specific prize beyond the fact that we will publish the best stories in print and/or online. For those we select, we will acknowledge they came through this competition and include a slightly longer biography about you.
We will leave the submission time open at least until May 31, 2013, so there should be time for you to create your masterpiece. Article length should be between 500 and 1,500 words. Any appropriate graphics or diagrams will be helpful. If we select your submission, we may have our art department dress them up, so don’t be concerned if your diagrams aren’t the best quality.
Use the online submission form. Any submissions will be accepted under our usual author agreement terms, which means we can edit as necessary and publish the material when and how we feel is appropriate. Please read those terms attached to the submission form. (We use a Survey Gizmo mechanism to collect the data, so don’t be surprised when you see that name.) We will assume that you have all the necessary clearance from your company for publication. Your submission should be original and you should not have offered it to any other publication previously. That doesn’t mean you have to be the first person ever to address a given topic, but it does mean you shouldn’t copy it from Wikipedia or a vendor’s website.
If you want to ask if your idea is appropriate, feel free to contact me. I’ll provide whatever guidance I can. Have at it.
Peter Welander, [email protected]