Control Technology's CTServer software provides a direct, Web-based link between the factory floor and enterprise systems, such as MRP (material requirements planning), CRM (customer relationship management), documentation, and quality analysis. Remote terminal units, such as those used for tank farms, water treatment, and environmental monitoring, may be used as CTServer clients, enabling user...
Control Technology’s CTServer software provides a direct, Web-based link between the factory floor and enterprise systems, such as MRP (material requirements planning), CRM (customer relationship management), documentation, and quality analysis. Remote terminal units, such as those used for tank farms, water treatment, and environmental monitoring, may be used as CTServer clients, enabling users to send data to and from anywhere. Devices such as cell phones and pagers provide access to real-time plant floor data. CTServer links CTC Blue Fusion controllers or any OPC-compliant device to enterprise systems. Control Technology Corp.