Architecture offers manufacturing tools

Microsoft's .Net (pronounced "dot net") initiative is destined to be important for control engineers. Microsoft has said it is committed to helping manufacturers extend beyond their four walls to effectively communicate with other plants, partners and customers. Microsoft has built the platform and business tools to allow manufacturers to be more lean and agile in the digital economy.



Microsoft’s .Net (pronounced ”dot net”) initiative is destined to be important for control engineers. Microsoft has said it is committed to helping manufacturers extend beyond their four walls to effectively communicate with other plants, partners and customers. Microsoft has built the platform and business tools to allow manufacturers to be more lean and agile in the digital economy.

Web services are programmable application components accessible via standard Internet protocols. They combine aspects of software components and the Web because of their well-defined interface, reusable ”black box” functionality, and no need for object-model specific infrastructure.

A wizard that guides the programmer aids building a Web service in Visual Studio.Net. The new WebMethod directive is all that is needed to expose a method as an XML Web Service.

  • Is a set of Microsoft software technologies for connecting information, people, systems, and devices.

  • Enables an ”unprecedented level” of software integration through the use of XML Web services, which are small, discrete, building-block applications that connect to each other-as well as to other, larger applications-via the Internet.

  • Is infused into products that comprise the Microsoft platform, providing ability to quickly and reliably build, host, deploy, and utilize connected solutions using XML Web services, all with the protection of industry-standard security technologies.

  • Provides users with rich, tailored interactions when XML Web services are pulled together, allowing access to information across the Internet and from standalone applications, online or offline.

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