DCS market in China expected to grow 15% annually

The distributed control system (DCS) market in China is expected to grow at a 15.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the next five years from $531 million in 2003 to a projected $1.07 billion in 2008, according to a new study, "DCS Outlook for China," by ARC Advisory Group.

Dedham, MA — The distributed control system (DCS) market in China is expected to grow at a 15.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) during the next five years from $531 million in 2003 to a projected $1.07 billion in 2008, according to a new study, “DCS Outlook for China,” by ARC Advisory Group.

As the fastest growing economy in the world, China is experiencing massive investment in new projects and plant upgrades in almost all process industry segments, which creates growth opportunities for the DCS market. The power industry continues to contribute the major share of DCS revenues in China, but the oil, gas, and petrochemical sectors also have excellent growth prospects.

Though it has many opportunities, China’s DCS market was also intensely competitive in 2003 because global DCS suppliers compete with homegrown Chinese suppliers. Domestic control system suppliers are able to offer DCSs at highly competitive prices because of emerging open standards and other factors. In addition, because manufacturers in China only started using DCSs in recent years, their facilities are engineered with contemporary features. ARC says this means suppliers will have more opportunities to sell fieldbus-based systems. (See also, “Product Focus,” this issue.)

For more information, visit www.arcweb.com/res/dcs-chi .