Control Engineering top 5 articles online about SCADA automation, DCS and PLC integration and SCADA software advances.

Control Engineering top 5 articles online about improving SCADA automation, DCS and PLC integration and SCADA software advances. Also: See additional DCS and SCADA stories here.
1. Improving efficiency through automation with SCADA
A steel pipe maker implements supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), manufacturing execution (MES) and statistical process control (SPC) at their facility to improve operations.
2. MTP standard accelerates DCS and PLC integration
Many production plant designs require integration of a distributed control system with multiple PLC-based subsystems. NAMUR MTP is a standardized configuration and communication method to facilitate integration between the two, while cutting the cost, time and risk of doing so.
3. 7 ways SCADA software can advance IIoT implementations, if you do it right
Latest trends in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software are helping industrial internet of things (IIoT) implementation, including with more integration (north, south and with databases), infrastructure monitoring and three other critical areas.
4. SCADA’s role in Industry 4.0, manufacturing applications
Data plays a vital role in the digitalization of industrial facilities and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems will be at the center.
5. DCS of the future, cybersecurity services, integrated asset management
ABB discussed future process control capabilities, cybersecurity services and integrated asset management to help users interact with automation more easily, as discussed at the 2024 ARC Industry Forum.