UtilityScan GPR System

March 24, 2022

GSSI, the world’s leading manufacturer of ground penetrating radar (GPR) equipment, announces the updated UtilityScan® GPR system, with a new user interface (UI) that makes it easier than ever to locate and mark the depth of underground utilities in real-time in the field. With real-time target mapping, advanced scanning and identification capabilities, the rugged and flexible UtilityScan helps utility locating professionals accelerate workflow from target detection to reporting.UtilityScan is ideal for marking the location and depth of subsurface utilities, including gas, sewer, and communication lines. Real-time target mapping features include a new Map Mode that allows users to trace their steps and gain a bird’s-eye view of their survey. Users can also simultaneously place APWA color-coded marks on 2D data and a geo-referenced map.With the updated UI, users can collect and create 3D scans. The on-screen 3D data collection mode allows users to easily define the time slice depth and thickness in the field with the 3D data on the screen. The map window can be minimized to view the 3D display full screen.UtilityScan is available with the optional LineTrac® power detection module, which enables identification and tracing of the precise location of underground electric and RF-induced utilities. This allows the detected power or induced frequencies data to be overlaid on the radar data, providing reliable positioning and target information.

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