Geometric pattern finding

PatFlex is the newest member of the PatMax family of geometric pattern finding technologies. Software tool enables a vision system to locate an object, feature, or pattern whose perspective has changed or whose surface is curved, warped, wrinkled or stretched. Finding and correcting for distortions enables the full range of Cognex vision tools to be applied.

PatFlex is the newest member of the PatMax family of geometric pattern finding technologies. Software tool enables a vision system to locate an object, feature, or pattern whose perspective has changed or whose surface is curved, warped, wrinkled or stretched. Finding and correcting for distortions enables the full range of Cognex vision tools to be applied. New tool addresses a variety of applications previously impossible or that required complex multistep vision operations. It enables optical verification of characters marked on curved surfaces, where perspective and box distortions are common. In addition, it enables the location and inspection of decorative labels on cylindrical surfaces such as cans and bottles, and accounts for surface irregularities that can occur in packaging operations using flexible shrink-wrap films.

Cognex Corp.